
in Shaktism, and tumo in Tibetan Buddhist Tantra.

Speculations and teachings concerning the chakras have occured independently in the religious, spiritual, yogic, and occult traditions of India, China, and the West. Although having certain basic points in common, these also differ in many details. So we have a number of different chakra-doctrines that have developed in different esoteric traditions to greater or lesser completeness.
[1] a note regarding pronounciation. It seems that just about everyone nowadays says “shar-kra”. The origin of this particular pronounciation is unclear, but the fact is that the Sanskrit word cakra is - depending on the accent - either pronounced “cha-kra” with the “a”’s like the “u” in “but”, or “cho-kro” with the “o”’s as in “box”. So: “chakra”, not “sharkra”
[2] The modern use of the term chakra - “wheel” - claims this is how they appearaer to yogic and clairvoyant perception, but there is no evidence that the tantrics considered or even experienced the chakras in this manner.
[3] Sometimes two lines of chakras are described - one for the front of the body and the other for the back. See Barbara Brennan’s work in this respect.

CROWN or Coronal Chakra (Sahasr_ra), on top of the head. Rules higher knowledge.

THROAT or Laryngeal chakra (Vishuddha), at front of the throat. Rules communication

“ENERGY” or Naval or Umbilical chakra (Manip•ra), over solar plexus. Rules vital energy.

SEXUAL chakra (Sv_dhishth_na), at the ovaries or testicles. Rules sexual desire and passion.

HAND chakras, considered less major, are on the palms toward the webs where thumbs & forefingers join. Rule doing, manual skill or accomplishment.

(SPLEEN) or Splenic chakra, over the spleen. Used by some authorities in place of the Sexual chakra.

“THIRD EYE” or Brow or Frontal chakra (Ájn_), between the eyebrows. Rules intution, psychic skills.

HEART or Cardiac chakra (An_hata), over the heart. Rules love.

ROOT or Basic chakra (M•l_dh_ra), at the base of the spine. Rules survival.

COLORS The colors attributed to chakras differ according to various authorities. We have purposely left them out so you may look without preconceptions.

FOOT or chakras, as with hands, are less major; on the soles toward the middle of the arches. Rule connection with the Earth, “groundness;” also independence.

Chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit, and chakras are the centers where energy can flow into the body. Their size, color and brilliance vary according to an individual’s

state of health and development. They appear as vortices on the energy body or “etheric double,” the field of life-force which animates or vitalizes the dense physical body. Beyond that glows the aura; by “reading” the aura, one way learn much about people.

An energy channel (called Sushumn_) runs up through the central chakras; intertwining through it, and the chakras, are “feminine” (id_) & “masculine” (Pingal_) channels. Through these may flow the “Serpent Fire” or kundalinø force. Awakening and controlling this power is a goal of some spiritual raditions.
Within every living body, although on the subtle rather than the gross or physical level, there are said to be a series of energy fields or centres of consciousness, which in traditional Tantric teachings are called chakras [1](“wheels” , [2]) or padmas (“lotuses”). They are said to be located either along, or just in front of, the backbone, even though they may express themselves externally at points along the front of the body (navel, heart, throat, etc). Associated with the chakras is a latent subtle energy, called kundalini