Roman Mythological Characters

Roman adaptations of the Greek gods:
Roman Name Greek Name Area of responsibility (Roman view)
Coelus (Heaven) Uranus God of the sky, and father of the Titans.
Terra or Tellus Gaia Mother of all things, including Uranus her mate.
Jupiter (Jove) Zeus Ruler of the gods and defender of the state.
Juno Hera Wife of Jupiter and goddess of motherhood and childbearing.
Saturn Cronus Father of Jupiter. The Saturnalia, a time of gift-giving and license, was held in his honor.
Mars Ares Son of Juno. Highly respected god of war but was also an agricultural deity. Represented the two main Roman preoccupations, farming and fighting.
Vesta Hestia Goddess of the hearth and sacrificial fire.
Ceres Demeter Goddess of grain.
Minerva Athena Warrior goddess who also presided over commerce.
Neptune Poseidon Lord of the sea.
Dis (Pluto, Orcus) Hades Ruled the underworld.
Mercury Hermes God of commerce and messages.
Venus Aphrodite Deity of love, particularly sexual love.
Cupid Eros Son of Venus. Was god of erotic attraction.
Vulcan (Mulciber) Hephaestus God of fire and warmth, the forge, and volcanic eruptions.
Bacchus (Liber) Dionysus God of wine and drunkenness.
Diana Artemis Sometimes regarded as a moon-goddess, she was depicted as a huntress, and was goddess of hunting and the woodlands.
Apollo (Phoebus) Apollo God of truth and light, as in Greek mythology.
Proserpina Persephone Goddess of spring. Wife of Pluto and daughter of Ceres.
Aesculapius Asclepius God of medicine.
Somnus Hypnos God of sleep
Ops (Cybele) Rhea Mother goddess. Wife of Saturn.
Lucina Eileithyia Goddess of childbirth.
Aurora Eos Goddess of the dawn.
Furies Erinyes (Eumenides) Avengers, punishing violations of the natural order.
Discordia Eris Goddess of discord.
Juventus Hebe Cupbearer to the gods.
Trivia Hecate The goddess of ghosts and witchcraft.
Latona Leto A Titaness, mother (by Zeus) of Apollo and Artemis.
Victoria Nike Goddess of victory.
Fortuna Tyche Goddess of good fortune.
Hercules Heracles (Herakles) The greatest of the Greek/Roman heroes.
Parcae (Fates) Moerae Controllers of individual human destinies.
Faunus (Inuus) Pan God of herds and flocks, of the rustic and pastoral.
Diana Selene Goddess of the moon
Ulysses Odysseus The most cunning of the super-heroes.

Original Roman gods that remained unchanged:
God/Goddess Area of responsibility
Numina (Numen) The collective name of the earliest Roman gods. Vague, protective powers of nature, they presided over daily human activities. While only some of them were extremely important (i.e. Janus) to the extent that they had rites dedicted to them, others are merely names, with little (or limited) function even in Roman times.
Janus God of beginnings (hence January). Usually pictured as having two faces. Also god of doorways, gates, departures and returns.
Lares Gods of the family. Lar was a protective ancestral spirit.
Penates Gods of the family. Guardians of hearth and storerooms.
Rustic gods of the forest.
Flora Goddess of flowers, fruits, and springtime.
Manes Benevolent spirits of the dead (good souls).
Lemurs Evil spirits of the dead.

Foreign gods adopted by the Romans:
As the Roman Empire spread to embrace territories outside of Italy, the Romans came into increasing contact with foreign ideas, philosophies and, especially, religions. Later Roman mythology includes the following deities:

Attis: Human consort of Cybele (originally from Phrygia).
Cybele: The "great mother" goddess (originally from Phrygia).
Isis: Goddess whose cult became popular in the Roman Empire (originally from Egypt).
Mithras: God of soldiers and armies (originally from Persia).
Serapis: God associated with the cult of Isis (originally from Egypt).
Sol Invictus: An eastern god introduced to Rome by the emperor Elagabalus. 
Some Etruscan gods and their Roman counterparts:
Apulu Apollo
Artames Diana
Fufluns Bacchus
Menarva Minerva
Tinia Jupiter
Turan Venus
Turms Mercury